Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Letter to the Editor

Dear IRC-Boise blog readers:
Thought you might enjoy this sneak-preview of a letter to the editor by one of our volunteers, Sally Casler.  With Sally's permission:

Dear Idaho Statesman Editor:

I have a perspective to share regarding being an older citizen and in the situation of having become unemployed. I have been in this situation for six months, at this point, and have had the privilege of delving and exploring into not only potential employment in our community, but doing the same within my own life records and becoming better acquainted with myself.

I have done much toward leaving less for others to decide the importance of my material things. As I have “aged” in this process, I have found that there are many levels in which to become involved in the community by reaching out to others and sometimes just be comfortable (or uncomfortable) with myself.

Several insights have emerged regarding the times that each of us is experiencing. I have heard dialogue from others that what is occurring is similar to that of our grandparents, such as walking or biking to access school, work and finding ways to enjoy family life with few resources. Are we emerging into a new view of the cycle of fifty or so years ago? We are resilient and resourceful, and we can find riches that we never thought possible when and if we are compelled to do so.

I’d like to propose that we are reawakening into that deeper part of ourselves that really knows how to survive and enjoy life, with or without employment; with or without the “American Dream.” I wish to encourage each of us who are in a similar situation to reach out, write, talk, take a class, teach a class, contact someone else who you feel could benefit from your contact. Volunteer. Tell a story to a child. It’s magical and brings a lot of joy.

Sally Casler

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